Le Bu | The Future of Opera

The Future of Opera (2023 Edition) S3 | E151


We have something you just cannot get anywhere else. Not Spotify or Apple. Not even a secret basement tape. Only here on Lester the Nightfly. Welcome to the 2023 Giulio Gari Winners Concert, straight from New York City to your ears this week on the show.

What is This Thing?

It’s a concert. In a church. On the Upper West Side of Manhattan. And in that church you have a pianist (Mary Pinto) and a number of young up-and-coming Opera Singers: Le Bu, Spencer Reichman, Amanda Batista, Chelsea Lehnea, Chanea Curtis, Joseph Saachi and Younggwang Park.

Why These Singers?

Each of these singers was a finalist in the Giulio Gari 2023 Vocal Competition, one of the premiere opera contests on the planet. Many many huge opera stars of today begin their quest for opera gold at the GGF over the past 20 years. Singers track what Gari does. Talent scouts are rapt with attendion. And opera companies look to Gari as a leading indicator on the future success of a young opera singers. In a word… it’s “fabulous” to have my name attached to the GGF.

That said – let’s get to the show.

Our guest this week is Donald Levine. Not only did Donald apply his artistic sensibilities in building the program for this year’s concert, he worked with the singers to make sure they were prepared for the concert.

The GGF is forever indebted to Mr. Levine. I am glad to call him a friend.

The Future of Opera

Ah quell giorno ognor rammentoKey’mon MurrahGiulio Gari 2023 Winners Concert2023
Mogst du mein kindLe BuGiulio Gari 2023 Winners Concert2023
Regnava nel silenzioChelsea LehneaGiulio Gari 2023 Winners Concert2023
Donde Estas CrostobalAmanda BatistaGiulio Gari 2023 Winners Concert2023
Song of the Viking GuestYounggwang ParkGiulio Gari 2023 Winners Concert2023
E sogno, o realitaSpencer ReichmanGiulio Gari 2023 Winners Concert2023
Gia nella notte densaJoseph Saachi, Amanda BatistaGiulio Gari 2023 Winners Concert2023

You lucky radio stations – for finding LTNF you get this fabulous show on your air! Well done!

 The Future of Opera

Thank you thank you stations we love!

WPVM 103.7FM WERB 107.5 FM KPOV 88.9 FM WHPW 93.7 FM
KYGT 102.7 WBDY 99.5 FM KFOI 90.9 FM KUGS 89.3




DJ and radio personality PJ Ewing is the host of Lester the Nightfly.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Mary Elliott

    Wow!! The passion, the heart in all of these very talented performers was amazing. Truly touched my heart to listen❤️Thank you ❤️

    1. PJ

      You have a very open mind when it comes to music – admirable!! Love the talent of all represented in this one… some promising careers!!

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